Homeopathic treatment for Blood sugar

Homeopathic treatment for acidity and IndigestionHomeopathic treatment for Blood sugar

Homeopathic treatment for Blood sugar. Diabetes popularly or blood sugar is a dangerous disease since the past few decades. Currently, 4 out of 10 people are suffering from this deadly disease. Even though in clinical terms, diabetes is a disorder rather than a disease this is due to inheritance of heretical diabetic genes. In these conditions the body is unable to produce or respond to the hormone insulin, causing abnormal metabolism due to an inefficient breakdown of carbohydrates causing levels of glucose to elevate in the blood.

Types of Diabetes:

Diabetes can be classified into three major categories:

– Type 1 diabetes:- In this the body lacks production of the adequate amount of insulin. Hence this type is often referred as juvenile diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes or early-onset diabetes. Statistically observed a person generally develops Type 1 diabetes or blood sugar in their early adulthood or late teen-ages. Patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes do need to take insulin injections externally as their body is not capable of manufacturing it. Hence for the rest of their lives, they must also ensure proper blood-glucose levels by carrying out regular blood tests, following a special diet and maintaining healthy habits.

Homeopathic treatment for Blood sugar
– Type 2 diabetes:- Diabetes or blood sugar is a condition in which body does not produce enough insulin similar to Type 1. Moreover the cells in the body show insulin resistance. Some people show an ability to control their type 2 diabetes by losing weight, following a healthy diet, doing plenty of exercises and monitoring their blood glucose levels.

However, type 2 diabetes is typically a progressive condition gradually deteriorating the patient to a point where the patient ends up having to take insulin usually in oral capsule form.

Being overweight, physically inactive and a junk diet all contribute to environmental risk factors of developing a Type 2 diabetes. Noted that chances of Type 2 diabetes also increases with age. Homeopathic treatment for Blood sugar without any side-effects.

Cause of Diabetes:

In Diabetes or blood sugar it is difficult to separate genetic risk from environmental risk.You can develop Type 2 diabetes by both genetic and environmental factors. Researchers have found several gene mutations to be higher diabetes risk. But many people with diabetes do have one or more of these mutations. Family history also plays a big part in Type 1 diabetes. Inherited people are more susceptible to develop the disease if someone in the family has (or had) a type 1.

–Further studies

Further studies shows that In Type 2 diabetes, there is a steep decline of beta cells which increase blood sugar level. Generally, if someone is resistant to insulin, their body itself increases insulin production at some extends to overcome the level of resistance. However after some time, this production decreases and if it shows that the insulin still cannot access the body slumps then there is a high chance of hyperglycemia.

–Live healthy

Best practices for diabetic patients is firstly not to lose hope. They should live a healthy life with good choices, along with guided medication. Diabetic people should drink sufficient pure water and keep themselves hydrated. Follow proper diabetic diet. Do regular exercises, avoid alcohol and smoke and reduce tension.

–Yoga,the perfect natural remedy to cure diabetes

Some yoga exercises for curing Diabetes are:-

– 1. Pranayama-

Also known as the Breathing pose, this pose is mainly all about extensive breathing.It involves a lot of variations in the breathing and helps in combating the sugar levels in the body.

– 2. Vajrasan-

Also referred to as the Diamond pose, it helps to regulate the blood circulation and improve the digestive system of the body. It is very effective in curing Diabetes.

An Ideal Diet for Diabetes:

Choosing the perfect diet for people having diabetes can sometimes be difficult.The main objective is to decrease or maintain blood sugar levels.Another objective is to eat foods that can help prevent diabetes complications like heart disease.

Best foods for diabetes:

– As mentioned earlier,the diet should comprehend foods which can either help to maintain the blood sugar levels,or prevent diabetes induced diseases like heart disease.Some of these foods are:-

– Fatty Fish-Fatty Fish is one of the most salubrious foods available.They have omega 3 Fatty Acids DHA and EPA,which have major perks on the heart health.People suffering from diabetes should consume fatty fish on a regular basis in order to decrease risks of heart disease and stroke.

– Green Vegetables-highly nourishing and low in calorie,green vegetables like Broccoli,spinach,cabbage help in reducing inflammation and keeping the blood sugar levels in check.

– Cinnamon-It is a delicious spice which has antioxidant functions.It helps lower the blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity.

Foods to avoid:

– The foods to avoid for people suffering from diabetes are:-

– Sugar sweetened beverages-Sugary beverages must be strictly prohibited for diabetic people.They have huge amounts of carbohydrates like fructose that increases triglyceride levels and causes fat belly.They greatly increase blood sugar levels.

– Refined grains-Refined grains like white bread,pasta and white rice are processed foods containing high levels of carbohydrates.They increase blood sugar levels.

– French Fries-Diabetic patients must steer themselves clear of French fries as they contain high concentration of

carbohydrates and thus spike up blood sugar levels.

Homeopathic remedies for Diabetes:

– Some of the homeopathic medicines for Diabetes treatment are:-

– Jambol seeds(Syzygium)-This medicine improves insulin sensitivity by activating insulin signalling molecules.It controls blood sugar levels.

– Insulinum 30 helps to maintain the blood glucose level prescribed for patients having symptoms like varicose ulceration and skin problems.

Gymnema S. Q – can help to control blood sugar level.