Homeopathic treatment for acidity and Indigestion

Homeopathic treatment for pilesHomeopathic treatment for acidity and Indigestion

Homeopathic treatment for acidity and Indigestion. Indigestion is not a disease itself. But it can cause a dangerous disease. Indigestion can be symptoms of any other disease also. Formulation of blood can stop and a person can start getting weak if it stays for a long time.

What is Acidity?

Acidity, a cause for heartburn usually is a burning sensation in the back of your throat , chest and stomach.

The stomach normally secretes acid that is essential in digesting process and helps in breaking down the food during digestion. When there is excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach it results in the condition known as acidity. Acidity or hyper acidity is due to the secretion of excess gastric acid.

Homeopathic treatment for acidity and Indigestion.

Causes of Indigestion:

– 1. Imbalance in food habits.

– 2. Long gap between meals.

– 3. Having junk food in daily basis.

– 4. If there is any disease like ulcer, constipation, fatty liver, etc then it causes the problem of indigestion.

– 5. Stress and fatigue.

– 6. Cigarette smoking.

– 7. Drinking too much alcohol.

– 8. Eating high-fat foods.

Causes of Acidity:

– 1. Sensitivity to sour foods.

– 2. Consumption of too much coffee and tea.

– 3. High fiber food may cause acidity.

– 4. Low acid level.

– 5. Spicy food.

– 6. Lack of sleep.

– 7. Too much stress.

Symptoms of Indigestion:

– 1. Abdominal pain.

– 2. Heartburn or acid indigestion.

– 3. Bloating (full feeling).

– 4. Excessive gas.

– 5. Acidic taste in the mouth.

– 6. Decreased appetite.

Symptoms of Acidity:

– 1. Indigestion

– 2. Constipation

– 3. Restlessness

– 4. Nausea

– 5. Burping

– 6. Sour taste.

Remedies for Indigestion:

– 1. Avoid laying down flat, as this may worsen symptom.

– 2. Drink milk or water to ease the acid in the stomach.

– 3. Doing yoga in daily basis can cure indigestion.

– 4. Try and take homeopathic medicines for treatment as it has no side effect .

Remedies for Acidity:

– 1. Ripe bananas have potassium which can reduce the production of stomach acid.

– 2. Chewing on 5-6 holy basil leaves can help abate the acid waves in the body.

– 3. Spices like Cumin seeds, clove and cardamom help to stimulate the saliva and jack up the digestion process

– 4. Try and go for yoga daily.

– 5. Homeopathic medicines are good choice for treatment.

–Yoga practices for curing Indigestion and Acidity

Practicing yoga exercises greatly improves the digestive system and ensures proper functioning of all the organs. Some yoga poses for reducing indigestion and acidity are:-

– 1. Margariasana-

Also known as Cat Pose,this yoga pose enhances blood circulation and improves the digestive system. It cures acidity very fast.