Best homeopathy treatment for weight loss


Best homeopathy treatment for weight loss

A person is considered to have obesity when their weight is 20% more than their ideal weight. Consumption of more calories than it burns causes obesity. In technical team if someone’s BMI (body mass index) is less than 25 then it is normal. If that range lies between 25 to 30 then it is considered as overweight and if it is grater than 30, we can call it obesity. In kids obesity occurs due to junk foods. In adult it’s due to inactivity.

Types and classification of obesity:

They are of multiple types:

A. Based on the areas where the fat gets deposed:

– Peripheral: Gathering of too much fat in the hips, buttocks and thighs.

– Central: Gathering of too much fat in the abdominal area.

– Combination: it is the combination of both peripheral and central obesity.

B. Based on the interaction with other diseases :

– Type-1 obesity: It mainly occurs due to excessive intake of calories and lack of physical activity.

– Type-2 obesity: This type of obesity caused due to some diseases (Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian disease etc). in this case there is abnormal weight increase even though the person’s daily food intake is very less.

C. Based on the size and number of fat cells:

– Adult obesity: Here the sizes of fat cells get increased, it mostly occurs in mid age.

– Childhood obesity: Here the number of fat cells get increased. In this case it’s really heard to decrease the number of fat cells which already exists.

Obesity Symptoms:

– Breathing disorder.

– Stroke

– High blood pressure.

– Diabetes.

– High cholesterol

– Joint diseases.

– Depression.

– Coronary artery disease (heart disease).

– Gallbladder or liver disease.

Best homeopathy treatment for weight loss .

Causes of Obesity:

– Genetics: Genetics is a strong component of obesity. Some people gets genetically influenced to weight gain and obesity.

– Cause of Junk foods: eating of excessive junk foods causes obesity.

– Insulin: high level of insulin influences obesity.

– Sugar: Excessive intake of sugar is an another causes of obesity.

Obesity Treatment-Home treatments for Obesity:

– Have to follow a healthy, balanced diet which can influence the weight loss.

– Have to work out and lose weight and maintain it throughout.

– Proper medical involvement.

– There are some home remedies one needs to follow

– Lemon juice: It has rich fiber, vitamin B & C n and minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron,

zinc and phosphorus so it can fight obesity without any side effects.

– Apple cider vinegar: Another popular home remedy to reduce excess weight.

– Aloe Vera: It stimulates metabolism. So increases energy and mobilizes unused fat in the body.

– Green tea: Is a great cure of obesity. drinking about three to four cups a day can control obesity.

Yoga is another successful method to control and cure obesity. The best natural therapy to cure Obesity-Yoga & also help Best homeopathy treatment for weight loss. 

Natural exercises such as yoga practices are really helpful in curing Obesity.Some of these yoga poses are:-

– 1. Ushtrasana- Ushtrasana or the Camel pose helps in reducing fat in the belly region. It also helps in coordinating the back, chest and shoulder muscles.

– 2. Paschimottan Asana- Also known as The Forward Seated Bend, it helps in decreasing fat and toning the abdomen, thigh, hips and shoulders.

– Quintessential diet for treating Obesity:

While food is the main cause of Obesity, it also is the main remedy of Obesity. Obese people must follow a routine diet to deal with their predicament of obesity. A healthy diet is the most important thing for people suffering from Obesity.

Foods to include in the Diet:

– The best foods to include in the diet for treating Obesity are:-

– Fibre-Rich Foods-Fibre is a complex carbohydrate which helps to control the body weight. It takes longer to digest and thus has an inverse relationship with the body weight. Various high fibre foods are low in calories. Some fibre rich foods are beans, whole wheat bread, pasta and breakfast cereals.

– Calcium-rich Foods-Most commonly people who suffer from obesity have calcium deficiency. Calcium communicates with various hormones in the body to increase fat metabolism. These foods include milk, cheese, yogurt, Chinese cabbage, salmon, etc.

– Vegetables-Coloured vegetables like green vegetables, yellow vegetables, orange vegetables, etc have high amount of fibre and are very low calorie foods. They provide fibres, calcium, vitamin D and potassium which help in decreasing Obesity. Examples are broccoli, spinach, cauli-flower, cabbages, etc.

– High Protein foods-Foods rich in protein such as dry fruits, nuts, fishes like Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel, etc aid in reducing obesity.

Foods to avoid:

– Some foods are to blame for triggering obesity or making conditions worse for obese people. Some of these foods are:-

– Sugary Drinks-Sugar-sweetened beverages like Soda, Soft Drinks, Fruit Juices, etc have huge impact on the weight of the body directly. These drinks contain high calories and need to be purged by obese people.

– Refined Grains like White bread, white rice, white pasta contain a lot of added sugar and therefore their consumption must be minimised.

– Chocolates and Candy Bars contain an abundance of added sugar, added oils. They are rich in calories and very low in nutrients.

– Red Meat such as Beef, Pork and Lamb as well as processed meats such as salami, ham and bacon should be avoided.

Homeopathic Treatments for Obesity:

– Some homeopathic medicines for obesity are:-

– 1. Calcarea Carbonica-This homeopathic medicine is prescribed for people having heavy weights in their mid section. Other symptoms include profuse sweating at night and shortness of breath.

– 2. Ammonium Mur-It is prescribed for people having a fat body, large buttocks and thin legs. Other symptoms include excessive anger and intense pain in the heels.

Fucus Vesiculosus 6C helps burning fat tissues to reduce weight gain.

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