What is Homeopathy and benefits of treatment

What is Homeopathy and benefits of treatment

Homeopathy is the treatment of a disease by administering small doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of the disease.
It is an alternative medical practice that uses nanodose of an active ingredient to help treat disease, even if the active ingredient is the one that contributes to the disease in the first place. It works on the concept of “like cures like”.
The active ingredients used in homoeopathy are of plant, animal or mineral origin. Commonly used ingredients include fresh or dried herbs . Uproot the disease with no side effect .

Many benefits of homeopathy – it is recognise the benefits of a holistic approach to care, as a practitioner views them as a whole, rather than a clinical condition or a set of symptoms and takes the time to listen.
From a holistic perspective, the patient is considered as unique, requiring individual assessment and treatment.
The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and any other aspects of the total person. Individuals are seen as living systems that are self-healing, self-renewing and adaptive.

Health is not merely the absence of illness, but the ability of a system, e.g. cell, organism, family, society to respond adaptively to a wide range of environmental challenges.
Disease is considered as a result of an off-balance state of the whole individual (mind and body) rather than a local disturbance.

How does a homeopathic medicine work?
Homeopathy looks beyond the labels of disease to cure their causes rather than merely their symptoms and it stimulates the body’s own natural healing powers to bring health, vitality and well-being.

Homeopathy no side effect:
Because it is made from natural ingredients which are diluted and also potentized hence strengthens immune system to fight against disease. Homeopathic preparations works in triggering body’s innate healing mechanism when it fails to respond any ailment. Hence not any chemical to seize your ailment rather induce immune system to recover the disease from the very cause.
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Homeopathy history : Doctor Samuel Hahnemann
On 1796 invented homeopathy based on principle of ‘like cures like’. It had originated in Germany. Homeopathic treatment is the most holistic approach for treating disease with natural remedies and thus ensures no side effect but definitely a right effect.

Best Homeopathy treatment in kolkata for Asthma, Bronchitis, Ear infections,Teethache, Flu & fever, Mental health conditions, such as depression, stress and anxiety. Allergies, such as food allergies , cold allergies.

Dermatitis – an allergic skin condition , Autoimmune diseases – Psoriasis, Eczema etc . Control fluctuations of high blood pressure.

Abdominal complaints.  Knee joint pain Arthritis, SCIATICA pain, Thyroid, Tonsillitis  Acidity & Gastritis etc.

All common diseases treatment by Dr.Ashis Neogy.

How long does it take for homeopathy to work?
It depends on the chronicity (duration) of the disease. People who chronically suffer from chronic diseases (such as hypothyroidism) will take several months and sometimes years to recover good or even complete health.

What diseases can homeopathy cure? The most chronic & common diseases that people seek homeopathic treatment include.